About 100°
100 Degree Perfumes LLC
has developed its expertise through its innovative and challenging orientation. Our clients are perfume distributors, celebrities, jewellers, fashion designers…
100 Degree Perfumes has become the region’s specialist in the wholesale import and export of business and consumer products to clients across Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.
Fragrances for all Market Segments
- We love to share our passion for fragrances with our customers, business partners and shareholders. We are Committed & Reliable.
- We work hard to constantly improve our way of running the business. We are Fast & Flexible.
- We focus on the creation of quality fragrances at competitive prices. We are Lean & Mean.
EXPERTISE: Know-how in custom-made perfume
INTEGRITY: Commitment and respect to every person we deal with
TEAM SPIRIT: One mind set to reach the same goal
In Our Blood…
- Creative
- Passionate
- Optimistic
- Be a reliable partner of our customers.
- Be a fair partner with our longstanding raw material suppliers.
- Help our customers with quality perfumes to develop successful products and gain market shares.
- Create fragrances we can be proud of.
- Continue to expand 100 Degree Perfumes in order to reach more and more consumers worldwide, thanks to our fragrance creations.
100 Degree Perfumes is moving up in the league of important fragrance
- Consumer driven
- Market driven
- Customer driven